I decided to BLOG to share with you, the reader/follower, my travels, politics, and humor. Whether you agree or not, or simply enjoy some of my posts, I would appreciate your comments. I have posted some of our vacation trips that include: NE US and Canada (1997); London(1998); Paris(1998); Germany(1999); Austria(1999); Italy(1999); Philly-DC (2000); France(2001); New York and PA (2008); Glacier NP,(2010); and Cruises: Caribbean(2002), Hawaii(2003), Panama Canal(2003), and Alaska(2004)

Saturday, February 7, 2009


l to r: Susan Collins, Arlen Specter, and Olympia Snowe

Here you have three GOP Senators that have been drinking the Kool-Aid! Yes, all three defected from their moral obligation to vote against this spending bill that will send the US plummeting toward socialism.

The new administration along with these three Republicans will single -handedly put this country into bankruptcy. Your new president of the Muslin persuasion is truly living up to his campaign rhetoric, something about "change you can believe in".

Yes folks, when all the dust settles, you truly will have witnessed change like you're never seen or believed in before. I just hope the 69 million that voted for this liberal, unknown, junior senator from Illinois will be proud of what they've done to themselves and our kids for generations to come!

Footnote. I wonder if the Pennsylvanians will ever grow tired of re-electing DC career types (vis-a-vis John Murtha) who can call their constituencies names such as rednecks clinging to their guns or in this case the defection of Arlen to the Dark Side?? I know personally I'd have to "defect" from that state.


Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

Don't even get me started!

John von Cannon said...

I know what you mean! I just don't see what the attraction is to drinking the Kool-Aid. Where's Jim Jones when you need him?

Carol von Cannon said...

I'm going to have to stop listening to this if I'm ever going to get my stress under control, n'est pas?

John von Cannon said...

What does that last phrase in French mean?

Carol von Cannon said...

It means whatever you need for it to mean at the end of a statement, like "isn't it so?"

I want to move to the Nice area, n'est pas?

That means, "don't you?"