I decided to BLOG to share with you, the reader/follower, my travels, politics, and humor. Whether you agree or not, or simply enjoy some of my posts, I would appreciate your comments. I have posted some of our vacation trips that include: NE US and Canada (1997); London(1998); Paris(1998); Germany(1999); Austria(1999); Italy(1999); Philly-DC (2000); France(2001); New York and PA (2008); Glacier NP,(2010); and Cruises: Caribbean(2002), Hawaii(2003), Panama Canal(2003), and Alaska(2004)

Friday, February 6, 2009


Today is Friday, February 6th, 2009. In only 17 days since a new administration was sworn in, we the American people have already witnessed more partisanship from a group who campaigned for bi-partisanship "change" as part of their entry into the White House.

We have seen Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid basically rule the airways with their threats of catastrophe if the "Spending" Package (let's call it what it really is and it's now up to $912,000,000,000--before interest!!!) is not approved! Further, the Democrats can't seem to vett anyone who hasn't had a dark or questionable past including unpaid taxes or corruption.

Do you remember Newt and Clinton working together upwards of 30 tireless days to compromise a way to pay the $400 Billion deficit and balance the budget? Now that was bi-partisanship--working together across the isle for the better of the American people!

What does the new administration do to work together? He makes a speech! That's right, the new Commander and Chief makes another speech! One recent speech was to criticize the GOP for not blindly accepting the package that he has no ownership of--it's Pelosi's deal and has been all along! Another speech is to his own partisan cronies! A case in point, last night he speaks to Democrats only and, as I'm told by someone as I can't stomach that much bull in one sitting, he sounds like he's still running for office and on the campaign trail. Folks, this is just the beginning!

I could go on and on but you already know this! In fact, most of you are just as disgusted with this whole thing as I. So, this leads me to the purpose of the posting.

We need to let those in charge of representing us know our disdain for this whole Washington debacle! While you may, as I, contact those people on a regular basis, I'm sure you have friends and associates who do not! It is those people I ask you to help me get involved and make their voices heard before it's too late! It is that apathetic silent majority that must get involved if we are to succeed in our voice being heard! We must unite in this effort before our great nation takes a path it may not be able to recover from!!! So, please discuss with your neighbors, friends, family, and associates and ask for their involvement and support. Ask them to please CONTACT CONGRESS NOW!

Below is an active link to the White House! It is limited to 500 characters--that should be enough, if not, send more than one message as I do!

If you live in Georgia, I have listed links to both Senators.

At the bottom is the petition you can sign from Senator John McCain to oppose the "so called" stimulus package in it's current form!

Folks--let's take back our country!






Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

Way to go Dad!! I know they're still working on it and are supposed to have something passed today. We'll see what happens.

John von Cannon said...

Even if it is passed, it still will be a welfare plan. See the posting: American Option by the Heritage Foundation. Keep the money in our control, not the Feds!