The better half of 2002 was spent in "pain and agony". It was during Valentines week-end when the pain surfaced. It was Carol's year (we take turns each year) to plan our Valentine week-end. So we drove to SC and it was about half way there when she told me we would be staying in a really nice B & B on Hilton Head Island (BTW-all properties on Hilton Head are really nice!). I was so looking forward to the trip! The windshield time with my sweetie was much needed and very enjoyable.
It was during our second day, when I simply got out of the car the wrong way that I re-injured my back (1st time was back in 1998 headed to London). This time however, it would not heal by itself with the usual bed rest, muscle relaxers, and Advil.. Instead, as the week-end wore on (usually a week-end in Hilton Head flies by--not when one is in excruciating pain!), I was required to endure a more severe acute pain than ever before. Tutz knew I was in real pain when I encouraged her to leave me laying on the hard floor of our B & B while she go to the mall--so at least one of us would could enjoy the day!
So it was from Feburary thru May after trying many different methods including: pain relievers, MRIs, xrays, and epedurals to the lower back area, etc, that my young surgeon from Emory on Monday June 18th, 2002, corrected the herniated disk at L4 & L5 with 4 hours of surgery and 6 days in the hospital. All the while, my dearest wife Carol was the full time care giver--24/7.
That leads me to the fact that because we spent most of 2002 dealing with my back problems, Carol and I really felt a strong need to relax and enjoy our Anniversary away from home. Carol had always suggested we should go on a cruise, I had never cruised and did not want to. However, I gave in, the plans/details finalized, and we drove to Miami to board the only "Smoke Free" ship in Carnivals' Fleet--The Paradise.
Let me just say, I was wrong in thinking I would not enjoy a cruise. In fact, not only was it relaxing, but I soon learned we could spend all day at various fun filled events with excellent food and, we would have added fun when exploring different ports of call. So, any of you that have not cruised and not certain you want to, let me encourage you to give it a try. You should love it!
As the following photos bear out, our ship would dock at three ports: Nassau, San Juan, and St Thomas. We left Miami on September 15th and returned September 22nd--a really good 7 day cruise for my first time at sea. I was able to visit Hard Rock Cafes at each port and spend some money on jewelry in St Thomas. I read a favorite book along the way. After leaving St Thomas, the plan was to cruise close enough to se Cuba at a short distance. This plan was aborted due to a storm on the high seas.
Please enjoy the photos and leave me your comments.
Here is our first official ship photo as we board The Paradise in Miami.
Carol enjoying a quite moment on deck of the Paradise. We were among the first to board so that's why we had already unpacked and now could enjoy isolated serendity while looking at downtown Miami.
Carol on board with Miami in back ground.
Here I am on board with Miami in back ground.
Carol unpacking in our spacious cabin with private balcony. Service was impecable as our tip at the end of the cruise would reward!
Post card photo of The Paradise at sea.
Welcome to Nassau.
The ever famous and in many Hollywood movies Hotel Atlantis as seen from The Paradise as we approach our Nassau docking.
Gang board/ramp of the Paradise.
You got to love the "no smoking" icon! Sadly, the Paradise lasted a couple years longer as a smoke free ship before it joined the fleet as permiting smoking. It was interesting that the rules about non-smoking were very simple. If a passenger were caught smoking on board--anywhere on board--that passenger would be forced off the ship at the next port and required to pay their own way home plus a fine of $250 to Carnival. Carol and I heard there were two couples sent home during our cruise.
It was during our second day, when I simply got out of the car the wrong way that I re-injured my back (1st time was back in 1998 headed to London). This time however, it would not heal by itself with the usual bed rest, muscle relaxers, and Advil.. Instead, as the week-end wore on (usually a week-end in Hilton Head flies by--not when one is in excruciating pain!), I was required to endure a more severe acute pain than ever before. Tutz knew I was in real pain when I encouraged her to leave me laying on the hard floor of our B & B while she go to the mall--so at least one of us would could enjoy the day!
So it was from Feburary thru May after trying many different methods including: pain relievers, MRIs, xrays, and epedurals to the lower back area, etc, that my young surgeon from Emory on Monday June 18th, 2002, corrected the herniated disk at L4 & L5 with 4 hours of surgery and 6 days in the hospital. All the while, my dearest wife Carol was the full time care giver--24/7.
That leads me to the fact that because we spent most of 2002 dealing with my back problems, Carol and I really felt a strong need to relax and enjoy our Anniversary away from home. Carol had always suggested we should go on a cruise, I had never cruised and did not want to. However, I gave in, the plans/details finalized, and we drove to Miami to board the only "Smoke Free" ship in Carnivals' Fleet--The Paradise.
Let me just say, I was wrong in thinking I would not enjoy a cruise. In fact, not only was it relaxing, but I soon learned we could spend all day at various fun filled events with excellent food and, we would have added fun when exploring different ports of call. So, any of you that have not cruised and not certain you want to, let me encourage you to give it a try. You should love it!
As the following photos bear out, our ship would dock at three ports: Nassau, San Juan, and St Thomas. We left Miami on September 15th and returned September 22nd--a really good 7 day cruise for my first time at sea. I was able to visit Hard Rock Cafes at each port and spend some money on jewelry in St Thomas. I read a favorite book along the way. After leaving St Thomas, the plan was to cruise close enough to se Cuba at a short distance. This plan was aborted due to a storm on the high seas.
Please enjoy the photos and leave me your comments.

A map of West Indies showing our three ports of call: Nassau, San Juan, and St Thomas.

Ok, after your last few posts I am convinced! I will go on a cruise. Now where to go...
We're liked them all. How about the Alaskan??
I know! I would love the Alaskan. Odie's parents are planning on doing an Alaskan cruise this summer. Tempting...
ahhh... cruises. I totally want to go on another one, especially the Alaskan one. Tracy and Odie - you guys game? Maybe we could round everyone up and go at once. Think they'll give us a group rate Dad? :)
We enjoyed Alaska, mostly though for the "extra trip" of Danali Park and drive up to Fairbanks--not part of our cruise. Regardless, I know you will enjoy. Our next one I hope will be either Mediterranean, Balti Sea, or Australia up around the Barrier Reef on toward New Zeland.
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