We flew from Atlanta to DC via AirTran on June 6, 2000. After getting the obligatory rental car, we were off to Philadelphia! This trip was to enjoy the history of Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, Philly Masonic Lodge, US Mint and other points of interest including Easton Crayola Factory and QVC.
At the end of our trip, we returned to DC for a couple more days before returing to Georgia on June 12th.
Following are some photos taken of this trip and in no special order. Enjoy.


Carol in QVC gift shop.

Entrance of QVC

The historic Philly Masonic Lodge. We had a great tour.

Philly Hard Rock Cafe.

Carol and her sister Kaye at Mt Vernon

Here we are at The Liberty Bell. Check out the movie
National Treasure.
Where congress met in Independence Hall.

Carol in the Hall

Independence Hall. We have a great framed shot of this in our living room.


Grave marker of Benjamin Franklin


Easton Crayola Factory--had a good tour.

Down town Philly

China Town in Philly

Historic Alexandria Masonic Lodge--named after George Washington.