For our 20 years, Carol and I have taken turns planning, executing, and surprising the other as to where we would celebrate Valentines Day--an all time important date as it was 2-14-1991 that I proposed to Carol.
This year was Carol's turn to make the plans. She would have loved to surprise me as in years past, but when it involves an overnight stay for our Yorkie, Mattie, a total surprise is out of the question. So, I knew a couple weeks out where we were going and was really excited.
We left Mansfield around 10:00 am on Friday the 11th and dropped Mattie off at Pet Smart in Smyrna, Georgia--after making sure she was in good hands and would get the suite we pay extra for in overnight stays. From there, we headed north on I-75 as my new Nuvii 1450 navigated the 2010 Ford F150 Lariat to I-24 in Chattanooga and on to Nashville--arriving early afternoon. Early enough in fact that we stopped at a local mall and had fun shopping and later ate dinner at a Moe's Mexican Restaurant--it was good.
We found 1001 Broadway without much effort and after turning the truck over to Adam at Valet parking, checked into room 708 on the top floor overlooking the train yard. Union Station Hotel is on the National Registry of Hotels and of course was a thrill for us to be staying in a vintage icon with so much history (this railway terminal was built in 1900). We go for this kind of thing!!! Our room and accommodations were very inviting and comfortable. We settled in for the one night stay as it had been a long day, some 300 miles on the road. Before going to bed, we called Pet Smart just to check on our girl. All is well!
Saturday the 12th came bright and early. Took showers, dressed, re-packed and headed out around 8:00 or so. A few blocks over we arrived at 220 Willow Street where the Tennessee Central Railway Museum keeps it's classical engines and passenger cars. After parking and waiting a few minutes, we got in line and soon boarded car #4739 and found our first class seats 21 & 22.
After all 500 passengers had boarded and safety instruction was given by our car volunteer conductor, we left on time. Once in route, Tutz and I negotiated to the front cars where we brought a Xmas ornament, a charm, and a couple lapel pins. Next, we dropped by the deli for soft drinks, chips, and ham biscuit. Back to our seats and enjoyed the 42 mile ride due east to the small town of Watertown.
Once we had departed, we made the short walk to the city center and spent a couple hours browsing shops and eating lunch at Lulu's. Carol was very pleasantly surprised at the local small drug store where she brought a ring that has 3 interchangeable charms--they are also compatible with her Pandora and Trollbead charms.
Back to the train and we promptly departed as planned at 1:15 pm. Again, we enjoyed the trip/ride. This Valentine's special included a Murder Mystery so on the way back we found out who "did it"!
As soon as we returned to the train terminal in Nashville, we quickly returned to the truck and made our way to I-24. Since we are in Central time, we lost an hour and made us push it a little more to get the Pet Smart Hotel before they close at 9:00 EST. We made it with time to spare and had a very happy Yorkie who was so glad to see us. We arrived at Little Falls Farm around 10:00. This was one of the best ever Valentines celebration ever!
Tutz--job well done!
BTW--the photos that follow are out of order, but I'm sure you the reader will know what goes where!

looks like fun!
It was a lot of fun--they just keep getting better! BTW--the pressure is on as next year's VD is my turn for the surprise trip, etc!
thanks for this nice post 111213
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