Born Oct 15th, 2004 as a full bloodied Yorshire Terrior, Mattie was choosen by Carol (her mommy) at 6 weeks old to come and live with us--or should I say she chose Carol and I just happened to be part of the package!
My dear wife will actuall write about our darling Mattie. Surfice it to say, Mattie is truly Carol's pet. Carol and Mattie bonded from day one and I have appreciated all the joy, comfort and companionship Mattie has given her -- especially during my weekly travels. My intent here is just to make a couple comments and not detract from what Carol will write.
To say Mattie is spoiled would be an understatement. I guess the most comical part has to do with me. Having grown up in rural NC, I had pets but never the inside kind. Mine were strays and mixed breeds that people would abandon. So, I really did not understand what an "inside" dog would be like. I did however, make it clear there were two rules. Mattie was never to keep Carol and I from travelling and she was never to sleep in the bed with us!
Mattie has such a personality. Never in my life would I have thought I would have to "bribe" a pet with a treat every time you conducts business outside. Furthermore, I thought "seperation anxiety" applied only to we humans. But, the most interesting personality trait Mattie has centers on a small purple rubber ball. The first time I played fetch with her, Carol and I both thought she was so cute as she retrived the ball. Now, at three oclock every day, she will bring the ball to us and expect to play fetch until 9:00 pm or when we finally have had enough. It's as if her whole day is focused on that time and one event.
Also, I never knew a pet would be so smart as to learn to spell. I have the most fun in public when passersby stop to play with her and I spell BALL just so her ears and face perk up--knowing darn well she can spell that word and also PLAY.
To say Mattie is spoiled would be an understatement. I guess the most comical part has to do with me. Having grown up in rural NC, I had pets but never the inside kind. Mine were strays and mixed breeds that people would abandon. So, I really did not understand what an "inside" dog would be like. I did however, make it clear there were two rules. Mattie was never to keep Carol and I from travelling and she was never to sleep in the bed with us!
Mattie has such a personality. Never in my life would I have thought I would have to "bribe" a pet with a treat every time you conducts business outside. Furthermore, I thought "seperation anxiety" applied only to we humans. But, the most interesting personality trait Mattie has centers on a small purple rubber ball. The first time I played fetch with her, Carol and I both thought she was so cute as she retrived the ball. Now, at three oclock every day, she will bring the ball to us and expect to play fetch until 9:00 pm or when we finally have had enough. It's as if her whole day is focused on that time and one event.
Also, I never knew a pet would be so smart as to learn to spell. I have the most fun in public when passersby stop to play with her and I spell BALL just so her ears and face perk up--knowing darn well she can spell that word and also PLAY.
Within the first week--I broke rule #2. I was headed to bed one night and looked down at this cuddily little thing with dark brown eyes alone in her cage and looking up at me as if to say "I'm lonely and I miss my mommy". I couldn't resist and she's been under or above our covers ever since.
And as to rule #1. Surfice it to say, September 2004--cruise to Alaska--has been to date our last really big trip. Now days--where we go, Mattie goes.
And as to rule #1. Surfice it to say, September 2004--cruise to Alaska--has been to date our last really big trip. Now days--where we go, Mattie goes.
So cute! Isn't it funny how they become such a part of your life - it's hard to remember what it was like BP (before pets). Sure do love little Mattie!!
Thanks so much. They do tug on your heart and even to a degree define who you are!
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