I decided to BLOG to share with you, the reader/follower, my travels, politics, and humor. Whether you agree or not, or simply enjoy some of my posts, I would appreciate your comments. I have posted some of our vacation trips that include: NE US and Canada (1997); London(1998); Paris(1998); Germany(1999); Austria(1999); Italy(1999); Philly-DC (2000); France(2001); New York and PA (2008); Glacier NP,(2010); and Cruises: Caribbean(2002), Hawaii(2003), Panama Canal(2003), and Alaska(2004)

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Here are some more recent photos taken June 13th.

It had been about 4 years since the last soil sample. The rows in the garden had changed in that time. So, after taking samples from several areas, to the county agent's office I went. Paid the $8 and about a week later received the soil analysis write-up from UGA up in Athens. My garden originally had a lot of acid. No more! In fact, the instructions were very specific--DO NOT ADD ANYMORE LIME! But, I did need to add 10-10-10 fertilizer and a little surfur. I did so in the voulume suggested and tilled it in.

Looking at the garden from the gate (toward the barn) and starting with the far right row as row number 1, here is what I planted this year:

Row 1 Blackeyed Peas
Row 2 Green Beans (Blue Lake Bush)
Row 3 Tomatoes about 16 and various varieties
Row 4 Crooked Neck Squash
Row 5 Cucumbers
Row 6 Lima Beans

1 comment:

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

I didn't know they would test your soil for you! Very cool! And the garden is looking great. :)