What does shooting and St Patty's have in common? Absolutely nothing! Just not much to write about so I decided to add these two short events together on the same thread.
Our massage therapist purchased a Ruger snub nose 38 revolver recently. Having never shot it, I invited her out early during our normal bi-weekly massage, and we would head down toward the creek and "break it in"! Tiffany arrived an hour early last Monday on a very nice, mild, and sunny day. Carol took a few photos and off we went. The gun shot well for it's intended use--to be a defense weapon at close range. We shot some of my reloads and factory loads. She is now more familiar with it's action, how to load and unload, and what sort of report and recoil to expect when firing.
As to St Patty's--here we are at our favorite Mexican Restaurant--Pachos in Madison. We had our usual lunch--Carol always orders the chicken enchilada with rice and I have the mini-chicken Taco salad with rice. We asked our waitress to take the photo. Note we both are wearing green and Carol has her special St Patty's lapel pin. Great day!